Week 3

31. virulent- extremely poisonous; malignant; full of hate
The girl was virulent after discovering that her best friend had stolen and sold her priceless gold necklace.
This picture is from: http://forum.chatdd.com/freedom-speech/48170-bahut-gusa-karti-hai-2.html

Antonym: pleasant

After her life changing experience, the girl became very pleasant.
This picture is from:
32. scrutinized- to examine closely
The doctors had to scrutinize the boy multiple times before giving him a diagnosis.
This picture is from:
Antonym: glance
The girl took a quick glance of herself in the mirror before going out.
This picture is from:

33. discord- disagreement
The two men had a discord on whether lying to help their company was right or wrong.
This picture is from:

Antonym: concord

The peaceful concord of the countryside is very different from the bustle of the city.
This picture is form:

34. repudiate- to reject; to deny
Peter the Apostle was able to repudiate Jesus before the cock crowed three times because of his fear of the Romans.
This picture is from: http://26000days.blogspot.com/2010_04_01_archive.html

Antonym: approve

The teacher was able to approve the student's work after he started to try harder.
This picture is from: http://depositphotos.com/6242877/stock-photo-Approved-stamp-on-financial-paper.html

35. diligent- hardworking
The girl was very diligent when it came to school, because she knew that without a scholarship, she couldn't go to college.
This picture is from: http://www.dreamstime.com/stock-photography-diligent-girl-image9688822

Antonym: lazy

The lazy boy did not study at all for her big exam, and instead sat and watched T.V.

36. superficial- on the surface only; shallow; not thorough.
The girls on America's Nect Top Model seem to be so superficial.
This picture is from: http://americas-next-top-model.edogo.com/index.php/season-5/

Antonym: deep

Martin Luther King Jr.'s deep speeches move everyone who had the privilege to hear them.
This picture is from: http://greatindaba.com/issue/august-2011-vol-36/article/black-people-stop-crying-and-complaining-obama

37. contempt- reproachful disdain

The people in Europe showed much didain for the slaves during the 15th to 19th century slave trade.
This picture is from: http://csmh.pbworks.com/w/page/7309520/1808%20-%20Slave%20Trade%20Abolished

Antonym: affection

The little girl showed great affection toward the dying bird.
This picture is from: http://www.superstock.com/stock-photos-images/966-1655

38. lucid- clear; easy to understand
The instructions on how to use the camera were very lucid and straight to the point.
This picture is from: http://www.cs.unc.edu/Research/msl/digcam.html

Antonym: unclear

The meaning of the hidden message in the code was unclear.
This picture is from: http://www.clubhousebooks.com/secret.htm

39. aesthetic- having to do with artistic beauty; artistic
The scene of the countryside with the sunset behind it is very aesthetic.
This picture is from: http://artbymart.blogsome.com/

Antonym: displeasing

The movie about teen suicide and depression was displeasing.
This picture is from: http://clinical-depression-symptoms.info/warning-signs/

40. prodigal- extravigant; wasteful
The prodigal son took his father's money and spent it on supplies to host parties with his friends.
This picture is from: http://www.projectorreviews.com/optoma/hd7100/proscons.php

Antonym: thrifty

The college student became thrifty when buying things because she only had so much money she could spend.
This picture is from: http://www.easysignsinc.com/retail-store-signs.html

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